3 Perfect Places For Your Next Yoga Vacation

It was intense and life-changing year for many of us. If you've been dreaming to go on vacation, but yoga is not found one that speaks to you or fits into your budget or schedule, why not create your own personal retreat? You will have the freedom to set your schedule and activities, whether you want to deepen the practice of yoga, explore the overseas breathtaking scenery, pampered with massages, long walks in nature, or just relax and meditate.

These three areas easily accessible and blessed with plenty to feed the soul. Take it slow and easy. Retreat to disconnect from the daily routine, going inside and back into your body. Nap, dreams, and give yourself a lot of quiet time.

1. Tulum, Mexico

Mention Tulum for those who have been there and you will see that the same glass, dreamy expression on their faces. Turquoise Caribbean Sea in Tulum is out of this world magical, with the water is so warm and the waves are so gentle you'll feel as if you are in a sea of ​​peace, embraced his mother ocean in her womb. Doctors and yoga flock to Tulum for its energy vortex (as it is known, powerful for the first chakra) and its healing and mystical properties. All the hotels are the same beautiful soft white Caribbean beach stay in any one that fits your budget and do yoga studio or spa fall, or stay at an eco-resort that focuses on yoga and therapies such as Retiro Maya, Amansala, Maya Tulum, Shambhala and Petit. Try Mayan Temazcal Sweat Lodge Ceremony or get the Mayan birth chart reading Uno Astrolodge. It is difficult to recommend any particular restaurants - the ones on the beach and on the main road all fall fine food, fresh seafood and tacos juices Italian and Thai cuisine. Tulum is just ninety minutes away from Cancun and a short flight from New York (4:00) and Los Angeles (less than six hours). An ideal place for your vacation yoga.

2.  Santa Fe, New Mexico

There is so much spirituality in New Mexico, you can stay here for a few weeks time. Stay on a personal vacation spot yoga Upaya Zen Center, a peaceful Buddhist monastery, where you can meditate in the morning zazen style with the residents. Two favorite teachers, Tias and Surya Little offer special seminars at Prajna Yoga and teach yoga to the source, they co-founded, when they are in town. The practice of Kundalini yoga can stop in Santa Fe. There are many hot springs near the city - a day trip to Ojo Caliente where you can soak in the healing waters of its view of the sacred rock, or stay in the city in a peaceful Ten Thousand Waves. Discover the amazing city of Taos, about an hour's drive from Santa Fe and home to the Neem Karoli Baba Ashram.

3.  Venice and Santa Monica, Calif.

Art, music, poetry and spirituality flourish while in Venice yoga studios abound in Santa Monica. A perfect day can begin with yoga in the morning in one of the many studios in the area. Among the local favorites Exhale Center for Sacred Movement, power yoga Brian Kesten and YogisAnonymous. Big Yoga does not have to cost a lot - a drop of spacious, YogaGlo in the bright studio for free classes. Stay in a cozy cottage in Venice or in one of the many vacation units just steps from the beach (or VRBO.com airbnb.com check for availability). Vegetarians will be happy here - options include Vardo for gorgeous gypsy style comfort foods and cafe Thanks for the raw food vegan. Need a heart knife? Sunset along the Venice Beach and Santa Monica Beach is a sight guaranteed to open the heart.

Follow directions in the coming weeks. This will be an ongoing series - there are so many nice places around the world!

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